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Agrello Adds eParaksts Support and Boosts Document Search Features

Agrello Supports Latvia's eParaksts and Enhances Document Search

At Agrello, our mission has always been to simplify the way businesses and individuals manage their documents and signatures in the digital age. We're excited to announce two significant updates to our e-signing software that not only broaden our international reach but also enhance your user experience.
Jarmo Tuisk
November 29, 2024
min read
Agrello Google Docs Add-on - Simplify Electronic Signatures in Google Docs

Agrello Google Docs™ Add-on - Getting Started

Agrello's Google Docs™ Add-on simplifies the process of sending documents for electronic signatures directly from Google Docs. This step-by-step tutorial will guide you through setting up the add-on and using it to send your first document for signing.
Jarmo Tuisk
November 18, 2024
min read
Agrello Now Supports Latvia’s EDOC e-Signature Format for Secure, Compliant Signing

Agrello Adds Support for Latvia’s EDOC e-Signature Format

At Agrello, we're continuously expanding our platform to make digital signing more accessible, secure, and compliant for all our users. Today, we’re excited to announce our latest addition: support for Latvia’s EDOC e-signature format! This new feature offers enhanced flexibility for users needing to comply with Latvia’s document standards, particularly those handling official, sensitive, or legally binding documents. With this update, Agrello now supports PDF, ASIC, and EDOC formats, broadening our e-signing options to meet your unique needs and ensuring compliance with European eIDAS regulations.
Jarmo Tuisk
October 30, 2024
min read
Editable contract templates for more flexibility

Meet Editable Templates: More Power and Flexibility in Automating Your Contract Process

We're excited to announce the latest updates to Agrello - editable templates! Our new feature allows editors to modify template files on the go, provided they are uploaded in Office format (such as .docx, .doc, .odt).
Jarmo Tuisk
May 31, 2023
min read
Automating Documents with Agrello and Zapier

The next step in document automation: Agrello in Zapier

Agrello Zapier integration allows you to connect Agrello with hundreds of tools to automate your document flows.
February 4, 2022
min read
Manage & Sign Documents with Simple Data Rooms

Manage and sign your documents using simple data rooms

What's a "data room"? Okay, let's start with a short definition. A virtual data room, also known as a "data room," ...
September 22, 2021
min read
Product update: invite and share your documents efficiently

Product update: You've been invited

Earlier this summer, we introduced the Spaces feature. It allows users to better organize their documents into groups. Find out what we have launched with this new product update.
September 20, 2021
min read
Agrello web app 3.2 brings Spaces

Agrello web app 3.2 brings Spaces

Agrello's mission is to simplify complex signing processes. Over the past few months, we've introduced a simpler onboarding and signing process. Today, we introduced Spaces, which makes organizing your signing documents even easier.
Jarmo Tuisk
June 8, 2021
min read
The Agrello web app 3.0 - a right tool for complex signing processes

The Agrello web app 3.0 - a right tool for complex signing processes

Today we released a completely rewritten Agrello web app that introduces a new look and feel and a lot of new features for our web users. Our focus in this version is to make the complex signing process easier, faster and more secure.
Jarmo Tuisk
April 12, 2021
min read

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Harry Käsk
Harry Käsk

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Harry Käsk
Harry Käsk