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Workspaces for more efficient teamwork

Jarmo Tuisk
Head of Product
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Now you can create a contract hub for your whole company with a single subscription and anyone you invite to the workspace can create and edit the content there without needing separate subscriptions.

For a while now we have prepared for a bigger release to introduce completely new concepts to Agrello platform and change the way things work. All of this serves the purpose of making teamwork options on Agrello more convenient and efficient. This is only the start, because during the course of this year we plan to put a lot of work and effort into developing better team collaboration and contract management features. Read more about which are the changes this release brings and how it affects you and your account.

What is a workspace?

In short, the workspace is the place where you and your team can create and collaborate on contracts and other documents. It groups together the shared folders containing contracts, document templates, and your team members.

If you have used Agrello before, you may be familiar with the Team spaces feature, which allows you to share a group of documents and templates with your team. However, each team member needed their own subscription to be able to create documents in shared spaces.

With Workspace, that changes - now you can create a contract hub for your whole company with a single subscription and anyone you invite to the workspace can create and edit the content there without needing separate subscriptions.

document signing process

Workspace folders to arrange and share contracts securely

Within a workspace, you can create folders that allow you to share a specific set of documents and templates with the right people. For example, you may want to share employment contracts with your HR team, and sales contracts with the sales and finance team. This way you can make sure that the people who need access get it easily.

For those who have been using Agrello for a while now, folders are the former team spaces. All of your spaces are now automatically converted to folders. People who you have invited to your spaces become members of your workspace.

Whoever you invite to the folder for collaboration, automatically becomes your team member.

From Freemium to Trial

Over the last year, we have noticed that there are two types of users on the Agrello platform: People people who quite quickly start using our professional package and add team members to take full advantage of the platform, and people who occasionally need to sign a document or two. We have seen very little migration from group two to group one..

Therefore, we have decided to change our business model from freemium to a free trial. There are plenty of good e-signing tools that cater to the market for one-off signers based on the freemium model and we are not planning to compete with those.

Instead, we are planning to put more effort into team collaboration and contract management functionality over the next year. We see that we can deliver the most value to the teams who are migrating their contract management processes from emails, Google Drives, and spreadsheets to the cloud-based contract management platform.

If you want a quick introduction to Agrello platform or need help with setting things up, contact our Customer Success Developer Laura at

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Harry Käsk

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