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Harnessing E-Signatures for a Smooth Operational Flow

In this post we will explore the broad strokes of e-signatures, and how they can fit into your business processes. We will also highlight a case study of an Agrello customer using e-signatures for better operational flows.
Laura Findley
July 4, 2023
min read

The dual power of ASiC and Agrello: how to get people to actually read documents?

On the Agrello platform, there is a preview functionality that facilitates reviewing the contents of an ASiC container without additional programs on both computers and mobile devices.
June 21, 2023
min read

How can large language models help with contract management

In this article, you will find nine ways in which large language models can already assist companies in contract management.
Jarmo Tuisk
June 14, 2023
min read

Organising Incoming Contracts Effectively

In some business relationships one party may find itself on the receiving end of contracts, without much control over the preparation part. It can be a headache to handle all incoming contracts, thus it's important to have an effective system in place to organise and monitor the process better.
June 7, 2023
min read

Meet Editable Templates: More Power and Flexibility in Automating Your Contract Process

We're excited to announce the latest updates to Agrello - editable templates! Our new feature allows editors to modify template files on the go, provided they are uploaded in Office format (such as .docx, .doc, .odt).
Jarmo Tuisk
May 31, 2023
min read

Introducing Exciting New Features: Simplified ASiC Container Creation From Multiple Template Files and Powerful Document Editing

We are thrilled to announce the latest product update, packed with exciting new features that enhance your contract management experience.
Jarmo Tuisk
May 19, 2023
min read